Rabbi Karen Fox: In Context
Consulting and Counseling
Rabbi Karen Fox's training comes from a variety of fields. In 1978 she was among the handful of first women rabbis ordained at the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. Later, she earned her Masters in Counseling Psychology from Pepperdine University in 1996, and became a California licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in 1998. She engages a Murray Bowen based "family systems approach" to consultation and counseling. Karen pursued extensive training in ethics for clergy, bereavement counseling and family systems theory.. She has recently studied approaches to aging , finding meaning and purpose post-retirement.
Rabbi Fox was served as a Regional Director for the Reform Jewish movement, as a Camp Director and as a Rabbi at Wilshire Boulevard Temple, the historic Los Angeles synagogue. For 25 years, in addition to lifecycle responsibilities, she guided the psycho-social arm of the Temple, developed lay led Caring Communities, provided spiritual and cultural programming for adults and children, and supervised clergy and staff. She served on the Ethics Committee of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, and many times, mentored clergy through Tshuvah /Rehabilitation processes.
For seven years, Rabbi Fox guided the next generation of rabbis, as Adjunct Faculty in Pastoral Counseling at Hebrew Union College, Los Angeles where she taught "Lifecycle and Pastoral Counseling Skills"and "Rabbi as Symbolic Exemplar", a Professional Ethics course. Currently Rabbi Fox counsels and consults through her private practice, "Rabbi Karen Fox: In Context." Rabbi Fox also facilitates workshops on: Supervision Skills, Entering and Exiting the Synagogue, Loneliness and the Rabbi, Infertility and the Rabbi, Mentoring vs Supervising, Women Rabbis: Work-Life Integration and "Wise Aging".
Rabbi Fox is married, a proud mother and grandmother. She rides a bike, skis and
loves dark coffee and black licorice.
"In Context?"
"In Context?"
What is the Context of your Work? In particular, clergy serve so many roles today: public and private, manager and counselor, pragmatist and spiritual advisor, professional and family member. Awareness of The Context allows us to gain awareness that sometimes roles are painfully at odds with each other yet need be 'held' at the same time. Rabbi Fox can help you 'Hold' the Roles and Opportunities.
Explore this professional and personal challenge with
Rabbi Karen Fox. Understand Your Work In Context as You
Strengthen your professional and personal life.